Playing with snowfall

How do I use this on my website?

<script src="./snowflakes.js"></script>
<link href="./snowflakes.css" rel="stylesheet">

Should I? Perhaps not. Testing / error handling required. It's really only targeting latest chrome/firefox

Where can I download it?

How do I configure it?

There are some global variables at the top of snowflakes.js

How do I control it?

There is a snowflake icon at the bottom left of the browser window. Click that to start/stop the animation. Each time you click it, the theme changes.

Or add your own button, like this:

Toggle Snow

While it is running, it has some mouse bindings, moving the mouse up, slows the snowfall, moving it down makes the snow fall faster, left and right make the wind blow left and right


A nice addition to any website. Runs fairly slowly in safari, but most things do.